
Friday, April 5, 2013

Weekend Meet and Greet Blog Hop #21

I'm always excited to be invited to co-host a blog hop, but to be invited to co-host two weekends in a row to the same AWESOME blog hop is just spectacular! Laurie and Kim are the best hostesses which make for a great way to meet lots of new people! I love linking up with people all over the world! I hope you join us this weekend and find some new blogs to follow!

Welcome back to the Meet & Greet Blog Hop! Join in, meet some fellow bloggers, greet them with comments, and grow your blog with new friends!
Interested in being a Co-Host? Send an email to with "Co-Host" in the subject line for consideration and include your blog link!
Meet Everyone! This week’s get to know you question is:
 What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say?
*Hosts* Kim - from 2 just B you: Well, we all know that kids say some crazy things...I can't really think of one thing right now, though! It's been a busy week, I guess. LOL

Laurie - from Created By Laurie: A friend of mine was introducing her 4 year old to his new brother at the hospital. When he saw his brother he asked, “Where’d you buy him?” A very cute moment

 *Co Host* Sandy – from Savard Studios: My 3 ½ year old niece told her mother that she broke up with her boyfriend because he held her hand and messed up her nails. Where do they come up with this stuff?
*Featured Guest* Noor – from Noor’s Place: The funniest thing a child said, well that was for me. A little girl, she said I looked like Angelina Jolie in front of my whole school. That was quite shocking because I do not look like her. I laughed so hard that everyone else was trying to figure out what was the matter. I looked a thousand times in mirror to make her statement truth. But of course, it was the funniest thing for me :)
What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say?
Spread the Word, Grab Our Button!
Now Link Up and Have Fun! If you would like to sign up for email reminders for the Meet & Greet Blog Hop, please sign up below. (Your email address and info will not be used for any other purpose.)


  1. New follower via the blog hop. Can't wait to read more!

  2. Thanks for co-hosting on Meet n Greet blog hop. Returning visitor.

    I think the funniest thing I heard a kid say was the other week when I picked my grandson up from school and was going to pick his brother up. Zeke says "Grandma we better hurry home soon, it is going to rain..." Granma (me) "How do you know it is going to rain?". Zeke "Because those clouds up there don't look happy" ROFL

    Handmade at Warratahstree

    1. are so funny. I love watching their minds work! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. New follower! Thanks for hosting :)

  4. Thank you so much for hosting the hop! Have a fabulous Saturday and weekend!

    1. Thanks Cindy! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Mine was awesome but kept me away from the computer. Glad to be back! Have a great week!

  5. Hi Sandy! Following you now via GFC and bloglovin'! Would love for you to visit

    1. Hi Ann Marie! Thanks for following! I'll head over in a bit and check out your blog! Hope you had a great weekend! I felt lost being away from the computer!

  6. I always love these blog hops.

    Have a wonderful day

    Yvonne : )

  7. Just linked up @ Meet & Greet Blog Hop {#84}. Funniest thing I've ever heard a kid say? Hard to choose, as I have 4 kids. And they are all hilarious! Now following you, would love to have you swing by my place sometime for a chat! If you follow me, be sure to let me know how, so I can follow you back! Have a blessed week!

    1. Wow! 4 must've heard so many funny things. They are funny! Thanks for stopping by! Will head over in a bit to see your blog!
