
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bronze and Gold Super Ornate Media Console Transformation

This vintage dresser was an awesome find from a local thrift store. My trusty sidekick, Robin, discovered it. She sent me a photo and I said "YES! Will they hold it until I can get there tomorrow?" She generously bought it, help them load it in her van AND delivered it to me! What a gem! (Her and the console!) This piece didn't sit in my shop too long, until someone wanted it and was open to my suggestion on how to transform it. Note, I completely modified the hardware finish too!
bronze and gold console, media console, gilded furniture, hollywood regency
This is what it looked like before, minus the gold faux satin fabric curtain behind the mesh wire on the center doors. It looked like someone had sprayed stain along the top and bottom edges in an attempt to darken the finish. Did I mention they did a lousy job?
See how dull the hardware was? Yuck! I typically just tweek the hardware finish but this hardware screamed for a facelift.
I knew the piece was going to be bronzey with gold accents. The piece was sanded and thoroughly cleaned. I started with a metallic copper/bronze primer base. This alone greatly improved the piece.
You can see on this door where the hardware was that the piece was originally more golden amber in tone.

The doors of course were primed the same way as the base. Since they were being COVERED in gold leaf, I applied the adhesive size directly to the bronze primer. If you would like a more detailed explanation on how to gold leaf, my blog sponsor, The Gilded Planet has some awesome video tutorials on gilding. 
Does it make me weird that I get so excited at how awesome gold or silver leafing looks on really ornate objects? It's an awesome way to transform outdated picture frames and mirrors. I will be hosting a basic gilding kit giveaway starting Sunday night. Be sure to check back so you can enter. Or even better, click that " Get my blog posts sent to your inbox" button on the right so you don't miss out!
Somewhere along the way (which I did not photograph), I top coated the primer coat with a bronze metallic paint. I used Charred Brown Brass from Blue Pearl. Their metallic paint has so much shimmer so that when you glaze over it you achieve a really rich, warm glow.
So here's the piece with the metallic base with the gold foil accents. It would look awesome in Las Vegas! Not so much in the average persons home. That's where the glaze comes in to play.
I used a raw umber oil glaze to tone it all down. You can see the difference in glazed and unglazed. The left picture of the doors show the glazed door on the left. The picture on the right shows everything glazed, except for the top drawer. What an amazing difference!
glazed gold leaf, before and after 
I let the glaze dry for several days, then coated the entire piece with an oil varnish. It really turned out cool. I truly apologize for my photography skills (or lack of). I am working on it. I think you get the idea. This piece was a beast so shuffling it in and out to try and get better lighting was a challenge.
bronze and gold furniture, gold leafed furniture
So don't forget for all the gold leafing junkies out there, I will be giving away a basic gilding kit in the next week. Sign up by email so you don't miss the post. What piece would you transform with a gilding kit for gold leafing?

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  1. Wow! It's a piece of art. The gold really brings out the detail.

    1. Thanks Kim! I love finding perfect pieces screaming for a transformation.

  2. This is absolutely gorgeous! What an incredible makeover...thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Wednesday.

  3. Sandy this is an incredible piece of finished art!

    1. Thanks Nancy! I'm excited that it's seen as art and not just furniture.

  4. Such a cool piece and you did an amazing job!!

    1. Aww! Thanks Jamie! I feel like the really cool pieces are becoming harder to find. Extinct, like dinosaurs?

  5. Very pretty, and what a difference it makes!

  6. This is amazing! what a great job you have done. Visiting by way of Meet and Greet - aka Espacularaiesa

    1. Lovely piece and you did an amazing job re-creating it, I love these types of projects! New follower from the Meet & Greet:)

  7. I get excited too about how awesome gold leaf looks on pieces. :) It can totally transform a piece!

    1. Thanks Jacqueline! I'll check out your blog and see what you've been up to!
