
Sunday, December 30, 2012

First Holiday Season Online

So I made it through my first real holiday season blogging and selling online. My Etsy store opened at the end of November last year, so I don't really count last year. I'm so impressed with all the bloggers I've been networking with. They never stop, even blogging on Christmas day. Now you can schedule things to post whenever you want but still very impressive. I figure who want's to hear my ramblings over their holiday? Right?
Anyway, November was actually quite busy for me. Even sold 4 pieces of furniture! I did not expect that! You saw the post on the Gothic dresser  a few weeks ago.  It was a bit of a shipping nightmare but I finally found a super nice carrier to deliver it for me.
I also sold these two pieces together.

Turquoise Buffet
Turquoise and Cream Linen Cabinet
The buffet is going to be used as a bath vanity and the china cabinet (I love when I forget to take final photos, note no hardware) will store linen's. Both pieces are en route to Utah! Here are the before photos.

It's amazing what paint can do to update a sad, old piece of furniture.
My most exciting sale in November was more about where the piece is going that the piece itself. This little ole french tapestry chair is going across the world to Australia! I'm officially international!
French Tapestry Chair
I found a carrier that primarily ships high end cars between the states and Australia. They fill the extra space in their container with furniture items so it's very affordable to ship this way. I haven't mentioned this previously because I wasn't sure if the shipping would pan out. But it's at the warehouse and will be going on the ship in about 3 weeks. This is so exciting for me!! Silly me just thought I'd be selling my furniture with in a 50 mile radius. 
And of course, over the holiday season, I sold puzzle piece wine charms. puzzle piece earrings, custom wine glasses and beer mugs, wine bottle lamps, washer necklaces, towel hooks, many of the items custom. I also painted several pieces of furniture that were for Christmas gifts and striped a room. Here are a few of those photos.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! I wish you all a safe and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to All - Beautiful Christmas Eve Sunrise

I've been frantically finishing up gift purchases, wrapping, cleaning, cooking and all the fun that Christmas brings. I went for an early walk with my dear friend Nancy. This is the beautiful image that God gave us this morning as we were preparing for our busy day.
I wish you and your family a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year!! See you in 2013 (since the world didn't end :))!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Christmas Photo

When my sister sent this to me, it made my day. I just had to share it with you! My nieces are adorable!
Real photos with Santa
Most Mom's would have given up and just not had a picture this year. Instead, my sister said "It is what it is, take the picture". I love it! This is hysterical! I hope this makes you smile today. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stunning Pewter Mid Century Gothic Dresser

This might be my favorite dresser make over yet. I briefly considered refunding my client and keeping it. :)
Gothic Pewter Dresser Mid Century

When I saw this dresser, I knew I had to transform it. It has the coolest architectural  lines! I am constantly on the lookout for unusual pieces with interesting details. Many of my aquisitions I list on Etsy in their original state noting they are to be customized. That's the great thing about Etsy. Artist love to do custom commissions for their clients. I like to ponder how I want to transform the piece, so prelisting it gives me plenty of time for that. My vision for this piece was either gloss white with gold accents or gloss black with silver or gold accents. But at last it sold, and when the new owner contacted me she was thinking pewter like a bookcase I had finished some time ago. She had a cool silver mirror and she sent photos.

It looked to be silver leafed to me with a heavy black glaze. So we decided to do the pewter as the main body color and silver leaf all the accent trim and add a black glaze. As always, photos do not do this piece justice. It is stunning! So this is the piece before.
Gothic Dresser Before
The process for this piece is similar to all pieces I transform. I scuff sanded the entire piece and wiped it down. I used a charcoal tinted primer and base coat.

It's a little creepy looking at this point. Don't worry, it get's worse. :) The previous bookcase had bits off red rubbed through so I randomly added some red splotches here and there.

Doesn't it look beautiful now? NOT!
Next, I applied leafing adhesive to all the ornate accents and after that dried about an hour, I started the silver. Here's another piece I silver leafed showing a bit more detail if needed. Silver leafed Chest of Drawers

Next I added a little beeswax to the red areas to aid in the distressing. Then I custom mixed my metallic pewter tint. It's a blend of a dark charcoal color and a warm silver. I coated the top, sides and flat parts of the drawers in this color. I used two coats. After that dried overnight, I used a sanding block to rub off some of the silver showing hints of red.

We used a black oil wash to tone down and darken the piece and to unify the colors.

I used oil because it seems to tone the leafing better than latex or acrylic glazes.
And we are still not done. The final step as always is a polyurethane or varnish. I used an oil satin varnish since we used an oil glaze. This last step really made the piece glow!

So if you've got a ugly, dated bedroom set that you've considered replacing, you should reconsider. Think green and upcycle it to an updated finish. Those old sets transform beautifully and they certainly don't make them that way anymore!

Fluster Buster

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Friday, December 14, 2012

An Awesome Pinterest Find on Paint Colors

I have been so busy this holiday season and the weather has been so bizarre, I've had trouble completing some of my furniture and getting it photographed to share. So in the interim I discovered some awesome info.

I found this most amazing blog post that I felt I MUST share. I found it on Pinterest, of course and thought many of you would find it incredibly helpful. It is a compilation of Benjamin Moore's most popular colors. The unique part is they are all shown in fully decorated rooms! How awesome is that? So if you are looking to change colors this is a great resource. If you have a color on the wall, but are looking for some ways to update the room, this is also helpful.  So go check out Stacy's awesome post!! South Shore Decorating Blog: 101 MORE Favorite Benjamin Moore Paint Colors:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Liebster Award

I was so excited to learn that my little blog was nominated for the Leibster Award by Candin at Becoming Native. She has such a great little blog and lives right in my back door (South Carolina). I have been blogging since January, although not as much as I would like. So much of the available information on the internet is in blogs, I decided I wanted to be a part of that. It also keeps my clients connected to whats's going on with me. It's so cool linking to parties, meeting new people and reading all the fun and lovely things being posted. This is such a wonderful way for new/small bloggers to get a boost of self confidence. I love having the opportunity to nominate other bloggers like me! little blog you've got there. Here's an award!" You can't just accept the award. You have to play by the (ever changing) rules and pay it forward. Then you can put the award on your blog for all to see.
About the Liebster Award:
The Liebster Award's origins are pretty much a mystery. Bloggers nominate other bloggers that have 200 or less followers. “Liebster” is German for “favorite,” so this is kind of like the “favorite blog award.” It's basically a "Hey, that's a sweet little blog you've got there. Here's an award!" You can't just accept the award. You have to play by the (ever changing) rules and pay it forward. Then you can put the award on your blog for all to see.

The Rules:
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

Here are 11 facts about me :
1. I love waking up early.
2. Sushi is my favorite food.
3. I wish had that clothing style gene, instead of always jeans and t-shirts.
4. Always up for seeing live bands and concerts, except country music.
5. I really dislike reality shows but am now addicted to Buying and Selling.
6. I have a degree in mechanical engineering.
7. I have given up on being a neat freak.
8. I would rather work out outside than in a stuffy gym.
9. Finding a really cool piece of furniture at a steal, energizes me.
10. Although we don't often get snow, I love the quietness it brings.
11. I love entertaining with a house full of family and friends. 

Questions from Candin
1. Where are you from? I am from Concord, North Carolina
2. Why did you start blogging? I began blogging as a way to document my painting projects and give my clients fresh ideas.
3. Dogs or Cats? I am a dog lover, preferably rescued.
4. What are your pet peeves? It drives me crazy when people drive around a parking lot to find a closer spot. Just PARK and walk a bit!
5. What is your favorite holiday tradition (new or old)? At Christmas, I love to make everyone sit with me and watch "It's a Wonderful Life".
6. What do you do to relax? I relax with a glass of wine in my hydrotherapy spa.
7. What t.v. show do you watch the most? Parenthood. Watching all that drama makes my life look like a piece of cake.
8. Early to bed or Early to rise? Both. Can't wake up at 5 am and not go to bed early.
9. What is your comfort food? Lay's potato chips always make me feel better.
10. How attached are you to your cell phone? I don't go anywhere without my cell phone.
11. Do like bottle or tap water? I'm good with tap water that goes through my refrigerator filter.

Questions for my nominees
1. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
2. What is your favorite song?
3. What's your favorite day of the week and why?
4. What's your favorite holiday?
5. What movie can you watch over and over?
6. What color do you wear the most?
7. What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
8. How many hours each week do you spend blogging?
9. Salty or sweet favorite treat?
10. Favorite book you've read this year?
11. One thing you don't go anywhere without?

Here are my nominees!!

So go check out some of these blogs and if their content is of interest to you, show them some love and follow them or comment on their posts.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hand Painted French Gray Blue Foyer Console

I have been painting furniture like a mad woman! I am way behind on getting them all posted. This particular piece belonged to a client. It had a few nicks and scratches but needed an update.

She and her designer decided on a french blue grey with a black glaze.
I find it easier to paint furniture with drawers out and the doors off. I always wonder why anyone would EVER use flat head screws! It seems it was all the rage when these older pieces were made. Did Phillip not invent his screws until the 90's?
As always, I lightly sanded the piece and primed it with a tinted primer.

I applied my base coat with my favorite self leveling (and self tinted) paint. Sorry, I'm not a big fan of rolling paint on furniture. Even the foam rollers leave a bit of texture to me. I would rather rake leaves with a rake and sand by hand. Not a big fan of the power tools. But I do love my washer and dryer. Front loaders in terracotta.

After two coats of my base paint dried, I applied my black glaze. I mix that myself as well. Usually a 1:5 or 1:6 ratio of paint to glaze. I spread it around with my brush then soften and buff it with a large piece of cheesecloth.

After finishing the glazing and allowing it to dry overnight, I was able to finish the piece with polyurethane. Satin polyurethane is too shiny for my taste and flat is sometime too flat. So, I mix them to get the sheen that I like. Usually 2/3 satin to 1/3 flat does the trick. This piece looks amazing in her foyer! Sorry I don't have that photo to show you, but here's the finally product!

Don't you have an old piece that would look amazing updated? If you don't have a clue what you would do, I can help you with ideas and colors. I have TONS of ideas!